Why this site?

Why am I blogging about Ham Radio?

Posted by     "Chris - K5CTW" on Friday, January 5, 2024


I’ve been thinking about a new hobby for a while now. I want something fun, that will help me learn a new skillset and hopefully be cost neutral to the home budget. Or not so expensive that my better half would notice on our bank statements.

I picked Ham Radio for a number of reasons but mostly because I actually tried the hobby way back in my younger days as a teenager. I wasn’t successful in getting my license then due to my troubles learning Morse Code. But the other parts of the hobby did appeal to my geek brain.

Fast forward to today Morse Code is no longer required (although I am going to try and still learn it). Plus there is a whole new world of Digital Communications, Packet Radio, etc. and more to explore that didn’t really exist in the 70’s / 80’s.

OK so I have a Hobby, why this site

I think I can fill a niche here, given my background in tech and my interests in using ham radio I can help fill in some of the blanks that are out there. Starting with this blog and eventually adding in a youtube channel. I can find a nice spot out in the internet to help folks achieve their goals with ham radio, maybe even spur some other folks to want to learn more or even jump in and join us in the proverbial ham radio pool.

Either way, this blog will document my journey, record the information I’ve collected and serve as a reference for the next person the google searches bots bring to my little site. Hopefully they will stay a while, learn something and then go out get a license, a radio and get on the air.

Whats Next?

Well to be honest, I actually started just over a year ago. So this blog has to catch up in real time. I’m starting to write posts from the beginning to also help me document what I did, what I did right, what I did wrong.

My goal is get the beginner stuff out first then start to add in some of the fun things I want to learn and do.

Eventually I hope to have my blog and a complimentary YouTube Channel up and running. I believe in the see one, do one, teach one. methodology. So doing the videos, for the see part and the website for the reference for when someone does the “the do part” makes a lot of sense.

But my goals are bigger, I know I can do more than just “how to’s” eventually. I know I can do Product Reviews, integration work maybe even some programming / code develop to share with the community.

Who knows where this will lead. But where ever it goes, I hope to have fun, share the experience and encourage others.

So let’s get to it…


Chris - K5CTW