The Ham Radio Lab

Helping people get on the air and have fun

2025 Winter Field Day Report

A Chilly Field Day and a Warm Spark of Motivation

Winter Field Day has come and gone, and while the bands might have been buzzing, my own experience was… well, let’s call it “educational.” It wasn’t the pileups or dx contacts I was envisioning, but rather a stark reminder of the importance of preparation. Along with a splash of reality on some of my own expectations and experience.

The Concept of Winter Field Day

You know how it goes, we all have those grand plans, picturing ourselves sending out our callsign from some frosty vista. My vision was no different, however, my execution left a little something to be desired. Let’s just say my “operational output” this year was pretty minimal.

Check out the new Ham Calendar

Sharing Upcoming Ham Events

A Calendar to share events and Net's of interest to the ham radio communitiy

Mac in the Shack

My Experience Navigating the OS Landscape in Ham Radio

There is a lot of love for open source and Linux operating systems in Ham Radio. However there are some Windows hold outs. I hope to show you don't need both but can get by with whatever OS you like... sort of

Saving Money in Ham Radio

Saving some money on ham radio purchases

Sharing a great website to help save money on your radio and accessory purchases

Digital Dead Ends: When the Internet Fails in Your Ham Radio Journey

Digital Frustrations with the lack of or outright wrong information out on the internet

Personal frustrations with bad information or just a lack of good information on armature radio topics

Allstar Adventures: Skywarn, DVswitch, and Chasing Connections

Having fun with Allstar Link

Okay, let's dive into the exciting (and sometimes challenging) world of Allstar Link experimentation, especially when you throw in Skywarn and DVswitch!

Decoding the Digital Maze: Yaesu System Fusion, D-Star, DMR, and Allstar Link Compared

Fun with Digital Modes in Armature Radio

Digital Modes in Amateur radio provide some interesting enhancements to radio communications. Are there too many? Should there be one?

A bit of Radio Silence

What Happened? Where did I go?

An update on whats been going on

HT's and what you can do with them

Hand Held Ham Radios and the features to look for

Features that a Hand Held Ham Radio can offer

My Current hand held Radios

My current favorite HT's I Own

My Current list of HT radios and what I use each one for.